Hello guys...

Today we are going to see the six factors that affects the stammering ie. Hexagon of various factors that mainly affects the stammering.

These six factors are listed as follows







So if we connect all these six factors into the Hexagon it will be look as above.

These factors mainly affect your stammering
So now we will discuss each step one by one


    Every person in the world has expectations from himself or by from someone else. The stammerer also has expectations that he should speak like a great speakers , and this thing always revolves in mind. This expectations creats pressure and which leads to stammer.
I m not telling you that you should not have expectations from you but it should not be high that you cannot reach it . More expectations creats more pressure and which leads to stammer.


    There is thin line between BELIEF and EXPECTATIONS
    Belife is one that you think about your self where as expectations is you are dreaming about it.
     A stammerer always has belived himself that he is going to get the stammer and its always in his back of his mind , and when he tries to speak that that he will definitely going stammer.
    So always belive that you can do it and dont think in negative way.


   Stress is the main reason behind the    stammering.  Stress only creat the pressure  which can be seen on the facial expressions of the stammerer.  Stress comes from the expectations and beliefs .


    Social pressure is nothing but the pressure from the society.  When you are talking you always have in your mind that if you stammer then what the society or people will think, this will creats the pressure and develops the stammering.


    Fear is another important factor that will affect the stammerer because whenever he tries to talk he always has a fear about how my friends or family members will treat me And also they have the fear that how they are going to lead the life with stammering. It will creat the additional pressure and anxiety.


    Confidence is very important not only for stammerer but also for the other people. If you dont have enough confindence then if even you dont stammer you will get it.
For ex you can take in interview or any tense situations you will find person with normal speech also get chucked while talking , its because of low confidence.
So always have CONFIDENCE  in you which help you to reduce your stammering.

If you carefully read all the six parts you will find that each and every pary in interconnected with each other . And you will notice that stress, fear and confidence creats the huge impact.
So always keep calm yourself in any situation that will help you to reduce your stammering.


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